Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Liferay LDAP issues

Using Liferay 4.3.3 in Tomcat, authenticating against MS Active Directory. I was having a strange problem... only one user would not authenticate, and was throwing "...Problem accessing LDAP server: Unprocessed Continuation Reference..." All accounts were importing and working perfectly. Using JXplorer and comparing accounts, I found that the account in question did not have an email address associated with it. Without an email address, Liferay will not authenticate... at least with the typical config.


Ranjan said...

I have been playing around with Liferay. I have a couple of doubts. I am not able to get the entries from the LDAP server into Liferay. There is connection between the LDAP server and Liferay but how do I import the users?

Linh said...

I need to use Liferay 4.2.2. I have been able to configure Liferay to connect to our active directory and authenticate. However, my import does not seem to be working completely. It should import all the appropriate users on startup, but only a few of the users are being imported. When I log in using a user id that has not been imported it gets authenticated, but group association is not being mapped. Do you have any idea why this is happening? Any help you can provide will be greatly appreciated.